Facebook Admits to Data Errors on Pages

woman using Facebook messenger

Facebook Admits to Data Errors on Pages

February 28, 2021

Starting in September of 2013, IMEG and many other Facebook page administrators noted that page reach seemed to be trending sharply downward. After several months, Facebook has admitted that its data on page reach and impressions has been flawed since September of 2013. This was because Facebook was updating its mobile apps for iPhone and Android to make them run faster, and as a consequence, sent only enough data to the mobile apps to make them display the newsfeed correctly. We’ve gathered all the details about Facebook’s data errors and if the problems have been fixed.

About Facebook’s Data Errors

Facebook data and notifications

According to Techcrunch, as individual users upgraded to the new apps, their activity was not reported back to Facebook (or page administrators), making it seem that all of those mobile app users had dropped off the face of the earth. Content was delivered as usual, but reach and insights did not reflect that.

Another second bug caused double counting of desktop newsfeed ads (which were counted as both organic impressions and paid impressions). In short, the data has been unreliable for several months with the bugs just being found and fixed.

Have Facebook’s Data Errors Been Fixed?

Starting this past Monday, February 25, Facebook reports the bugs have been fixed and correct data will be flowing into Page Insights. Some have reported that numbers appear to have soared since Monday. We will monitor the situation and changes in reported data for all of our clients.

About IMEG

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Established in 2009, IMEG is a digital marketing agency that seeks to solve problems in tourism businesses while challenging business owners and leaders to think differently about how they grow their companies and organizations. IMEG is equipped to help businesses create effective social media strategies and increase reach on Facebook.

Learn more about how IMEG can help grow you business here.